22 Books You Must Read!

Since today is my 22nd birthday, it’s only fitting for me to list 22 books that have shaped me as a person.

Some books are, in my opinion, world-shifting. Let me explain… I think that by reading you don’t expand just your vocabulary, knowledge, creativity, etc. You expand your mind. The book you’re reading changes the way you perceive the world. And, if the book is extraordinary, you might end up being extraordinarily transformed.

Try to think of a book that did that for you? Is there one? Or perhaps more than one? These are some of the books that have impacted me in the last 22 years!

  1. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

This is a story of revenge, but also of love and hatred, of pain and grief… and in the end, it is a story of finding peace. There is so much you can learn from other people – their mistakes, faults but kindness as well. This is the one book that had the biggest impact on me. There are other books that transformed me, as you’ll learn through this article, but The Count is in my opinion, one of the best books ever written.

The Count is primarily a story of people. You are confronted with their villainy, their grotesque need to disrupt peace and their jealousy. There is no way for you to help the protagonist as you watch him being broken by the “villains”. And then, the ressurection! He rises up. Becomes the one they all aspire to be. And you can’t help but fear him. A man harmed is a weapon unmatched.

This story is enchanting, adventurous and reading it I felt wine drunk. The best feeling.


  1. Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

In reality, when I say Lord of the Rings, what I mean is Tolkien’s entire opus. I’ve grown up reading books by Tolkien and watching the movie adaptations. I think my love for fantasy was born because of it. I’ve always had a pull toward the magical and fantastical. And recently I found out that there is a TV series coming out! Wow… I’m actually speachless.

I digress… well, I don’t think I need to explain myself when I politely force you to give Tolkien a chance if you haven’t already!



  1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I don’t know what to say about this one… it is a beautiful love story about two flawed people. Dumbasses, actually. They put you through some excruting situations with how annoying and cringy they sometimes become.

I adore this book. Now only it is very cute, but it also perfectly showcases Jane Austen’s excelent sence of humour.
Beside Pride and Prejudice I’ve also read Northager Abbey. This year I’m planning to read some of her other books. I’ll be starting with Emma, so I can finally watch the new adaptation that came out.



3. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Many people dislike Dan Brown’s work because it’s filled with outlandish conspiracy theories. However, ten year old me adored it. And, honestly, I still do. I think anyone who thinks Dan Brown’s books are thrash is lying to themselves because everyone enjoys a bit of conspiracy.

Robert Langdon is undoubtedly one of the main culprits for my love of mystery and conspiracies. Even now, when I do any type of research I feel this extasy. I feel like what ever I’m currently researching must me incredibly important.

Get of your high horse and read a Dan Brown book. Be adventurous.


4. Perfume by Patrick Süskind

This is one of the most unique books I’ve ever read. The storytelling is amazing as well as character building, which is quite obvious by the protagonist of the novel. I won’t say much about the book itself, because I think it’s best to dive into this one completely blind. Just be ready to be pulled out of your comfort zone. You’ll certainly be uncomfortable reading this one!




5. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
6. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman











These two were my childhood favourites. Along with Lord of the Rings they introduced me to fantasy. I ate magical worlds up and these two remain with me to this day. I’m very encited for the upcoming Percy Jackson adaptation! I’m planning to reread Percy Jackson very soon. Perhaps I’ll bring you along on the journey…


7. Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo

This is my most recent discovery. I am utterly smitten by this woman’s writing. You can read all my opinions here on my blog. So far I’ve read Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm, Ruin and Rising, Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom.

Currently I’m reading King of Scars. As soon as I finish it you can expect a lenghty review and an essay like recap of everything I learned and felt reading the Grishaverse!



8. Djinn by Jean Dufaux and Ana Mirallès

Are you searching for a magical graphic novel to fall in love with? You’ve come to the right place! Read Djinn!

Djinn is and will probably remain my favourite graphic novel forever. A story as enchanting as this one is rare. I haven’t stumbled upon anything similar to this perfection yet. The art is beautiful, the character development is praiseworthy… It takes you to a place you didn’t know you could visit. The ambiance is increbidly translated into words and pictures. It leaves you gasping for air.


9. Antigone by Sophocles
10. Life Is a Dream by Pedro Calderon de la Barca




Both of these books I had to read for school. As we all know, when something is obligatory to read, you suddenly lose all interest in it. However, these two books were amazing! I loved them the first time I read them in school and I love them more with every reread.


11. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Dorian Gray is one more favourite of mine! I think everyone already knows this story of beauty, vanity and the grotesque. If you haven’t read it yet, I urge you to pick it up immediately! A story as this one shouldn’t be left unread.

I think there is a Dorian inside each of us, as much as we try to deny it. So it would be a shame not to meet him.



12. The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

There are books that find you in times when everything seems blue. You simply can’t find anything to hold onto. And then, light. Completely unplanned you start reading this book you’ve never heard of before. The troubles suddenly seem very far away as you dive deeper into that mysterious book.

That book for me was The Little Paris Bookshop. In a way it got me into reading again when I was twelve. Then I decided to buy it for everyone. I got a copy for my mother, grandmother, for my friends. And I love seeing how it impacted them. I’d love to know what you think of it, if you’re willing to share!

13. The Family by Mario Puzo

I watched The Godfather for the first time when I was nine years old. Ever since i’ve wanted to read the books as well, but somehow I never have. However, what I did read is Mario Puzo’s The Family. A book about the Borgia family. The Borgias were actually Puzo’s inspiration for The Godfather.

Mix together intigue, crime, villainy and historical fiction and you get a perfect book for me. I loved this book. And the fact that it’s still in the shadow of The Godfather makes me very sad!


14. Nefertiti by Michelle Moran

Since I was a child I’ve had a fascination with mythology. Egyptian mythology was one of my favourites. That’s what got me into history. Michelle Moran’s books are what got me into reading historical fiction. And Nefertiti is the book I’ll remember forever since it had such a big inpact on me.

I’ve since read many historical fiction novels, but none have stayed with me as long as Nefertiti has! I think a reread is in order! If only one had enought time to consume all the books!


15. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
16. A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux



These are one of the first romance novels I’ve read. I adored them when I read them for the first time. Now I recognize there are some problematic aspects to them, but despite that I remember them with fondness.

17. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

I mustn’t forget this staple of my teen years! This book series isn’t relevant to me not just because of my obsession with vampires, but also because I shared my reading journey with my best friend. We read all the books together and would then spend afternoon after afternoon discussing them. That was such a wholesome experience!

I know there was spin-off series, but I never got to reading it. Is it good?

18. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Before I read this book there wasn’t a day I didn’t hear about it. I started searching for a copy, but for almost a year I couldn’t find one. And then, completely unexpectedly, one saturday, I stubled upon in a small bookshop. I lost my shit. I was so excited.

I started reading it in the car on my way home. And by that evening I finished it. I was smitten. The story enveloped me completely. I wanted so bad to be a part of that enchanting world… at least as a spectator. And I still do.


19. VIP series by Kristen Callihan

When I started reading adult romance books I found I was always disappointed. The stories lacked flesh or the characters were cringy or story was unrealistic. Until I read Managed. And I fell in love with Kristen Callihan’s writting. Then I read the first book in the series Idol and finally the third book Fall. I love all of these characters, but I must admit that Jax is my favourite.

This is actually the first romance series that I gave 5 stars to! So, that says a lot.


20. The Tell-Tale Heart and Other Writings by Edgar Allan Poe

I’ve always had a taste for the groteque. That’s why I was so drawn to Edgar Allan Poe’s writing. His stories are truly disturbing. Full of twists and turns.

You can be certain of one thing – after you read one of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories, it’ll certainly remain embeded in your mind to haunt you late at night. That’s what makes it so magical.


21. Old Goriot By Honoré de Balzac

Do you want to read great storytelling? Do you want to read about experiences of “real” people in the late 18th century France? Pick up Old Goriot.

It’s a sad, but also hillarious story that perfectly depicts the human nature. Prepare yourself to become invested in the story because you will start caring about the characters and their weird lives.


22. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

This is also one of my recent reads and I am so happy I finally picked it up. I adore this book. I am actually planning on buying a copy so I can annotate it!

I’m still confused by how incredibly Taylor Jenkins Reid managed to build such great characters. The fact that they are all so morally gray… ugh, I love it. Read my review!



Have you read some of the books listed here? What did you think?

And, have I perhaps urged you to pick one of them up? If yes, which one?


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50 thoughts on “22 Books You Must Read!

  1. Definitely agree with so many on this list especially the classics like pride and prejudice and the count of monte Cristo!!!!!! Absolute bucket list reads. Some really interesting other ones on here too though I wouldn’t have considered. Thanks for bringing some great books to my attention for my ever growing TBR!!!! Xxxx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a fantastic list!! Loved Evelyn Hugo, and can only agree about The Perfume. Also need to read The Godfather soon, heard amazing things about it. And The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons are still my favorite two books by the author. I also read all things Elle Kennedy, and have enjoyed the Crow crew by Bardugo.

    The Brown Eyed Bookworm 

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a great list! I’ve only read a few of these. I’m excited to track these down and give them a read. I will probably end up rereading Percy Jackson and the Vampire Academy too. I loved both of those series so much.
    Thanks for sharing!


  4. I hope you had a lovely birthday! You have included some great books in this list! I love Pride and Prejudice it is my favourite! I have always wanted to read The Count of Monte Cristo but have never gotten around to it! I really must read it.


  5. You have a wonderful taste in books! I’ve read some these but I’ll have to add the rest to my list. Although I STILL haven’t read The Picture of Dorian Gray 😭


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